Monday, April 30, 2012

Holidays are over

My holidays are over.  We were so lucky to head south for our holidays and get much better weather than up north.  Everyday the sun shone and the sky was a brilliant blue.  The nights were cool but clear.  The day we arrived home it rained and has continued to do so intermittantly since.

So now that I am home I have reopened both my Made It and Etsy store.  I have been busy catching up around home to do much creating but I have big plans!

One cool change I noticed at Made It while I was away was a new feature that appears on listings stating how many items have been sold. 

And I have made 100 sales! 

I had no idea what the number was but was so excited to see the 100!  So I am celebrating by having a store wide sale to thank all my lovely customers.

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