Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Felt houses

I sat down with the idea of making a set of three cute cottages.  They were going to be stuffed with four sides and a roof and with lovely details on the outside - doors, windows, flowers, a cat wandering by etc.
So I began with the front of the cottage, added windows, door and a chimney with smoke billowing out.  Then I added two sides.  Then the little cottage softies project took a major turn.

At this stage I realized that the cottage would stand up and fold flat.  And it looked really cute.  So I added another cottage front and another side. 
The softie cottages turned into something completely different. Two cojoined cottages that are able to be folded out for play and folded away for storage.  They needed some accessories so I added two pockets at each end to house the home owners.
It is funny, but a lot of my projects evolve like this and turn into something very different to my original idea. 

Sweet little portable doll houses!

More Creative Spaces....


  1. These are gorgeous. Very cute. My girl would love to play with something like this. Great idea. Cx

  2. These are brilliant!!
    I know what you mean, sometimes its best not to plan!x

  3. They are great,must do something like this for my girl.I wonder what will it turn up in the end :-)
