Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Delicious Thermomix Dumplings

Once again I have managed to neglect this little blog.
 Lots has been happening, cooking lots, sewing lots.
So though it was time I popped in and shared a thing or two.

So Dumplings in the thermomix... delicious!
I have been experimenting with different fillings and different serving sauces.  And all have been yum and passed the kids taste test!  This recipe is for a thermomix but if you havent got one you can steam over a bamboo steamer just as effectively.
 Steamed Pork and Chicken Dumplings

1 pack Gow Gee wrappers
250g pork mince
250g chicken mince
1 tbs fish sauce
1tbs soy sauce
1 onion
1 carrot
1celery stalk
2 lemon grass stalks
1 chilli
1 kaffir lime leaf
pepper/salt to taste

1.  Mince meats to desired consistency in thermomix (or use already minced meat).
2. Chop onion, lemon grass, lime leaf, chilli on speed 5 for 30 secs.
3.  Add meat and other ingredients and mix on speed 5 until well combined.
4. Place spoon full of meat mixture on wrapper and wet edges of the wrapper with water to seal.
5. Put dumplings on grease proof baking paper on  steamer trays .
6. Add 500ml water to thermomix bowl and place steamer in place.
7. Cook for 20min on vortex.

Serve with a dipping sauce made with equal amounts of soy and sweet chilli sauce and with fresh squeeze of lime over them.


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