Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Creative Space

It has been a fun one this week.  I have been making play dough.  The last time I did this was a few years ago on the stove top and it was a tad messy.  But this time the process was made much easier and quicker, not to mention way less messier because I used my very favourite (and most used) kitchen appliance thermomix.

This lot has been bundled up for sale and sent off to Making Spaces Marketplace
Speaking of Making Places Marketplace, they are having a big and very special Christmas shopping day today.  There are wonderful prizes and even gift wrapping.  They are at Shop 17, Greenway Plaza
222 Church St, Parramatta.  So if you are near by drop by and do a bit of Christmas shopping.  And if you aren't near by, well see if you can drop by anyway!

So, wahts happening in your Creative Space?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you have a thermoix? I would love one - and who knew you could make playdough in it? Looks like lots of fun to play with:) Cyndy
