Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vegetable Garden in Suburbia

Please indulge me today as I go for a wander around my garden.
My garden is an average sized suburbian garden with a lot packed in.  It isn't a pretty formal garden but an abundantly productive one.  Most days I eat something from my garden. Last night it was herbs - parsley and thyme and cherry tomatoes.

I have no idea how to cook up the artichoke above.  There are two so far.
The fruit on the peachcot tree get ruined by fruit fly if I don't cover them with these exclusion bags.
 Thats a little apple.  The tree is only a year old and there are two apples growing.

Parsley that I am leaving to seed.  It is very pretty and reminds me of doilies.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful garden Melinda! There is nothing like the taste of home grown fruits and vegies.
