Friday, December 30, 2011

Its the simple things

I hope you Christmas was as special as ours was.  We had a wonderful Christmas at home this year and the munchkins and I loved not driving anywhere. It was a very welcome novelty to open pressies at our house and not have to get dressed up and drive for hours.
I am so enjoying the holidays.  We are all chilling out and enjoying ourselves.
Of course the munchkins have lots of new present to play with. But little munchkin is enjoying being creative with the rubbish!
We received a couple of hampers of the most delicious gourmet food.  Inside the hampers were packaging foam.  These foam pieces are providing hours of building fun for littlest munchkin who has discovered that with a little spit they will adhere to one another.
So far he has made the Eiffel Tower
A space ship and some swords.
And then when he needs a break this is where we find him!
The Meccano set hasn't been opened yet and even his beloved Legos are taking a back set to the foam packaging and an old cardboard box!
Really, the simple things are often the best!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! What a fantastic idea. I must admit I actually laughed out loud at this post- just because it is amazing how something so simple can be turned into something so imaginable and creative!
    Thanks for stopping by at The Imperfect Housewife. I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
