Friday, October 4, 2013

Growing a Handmade Business

Currently I have two or three books on the go. I am a bit of a nerd and like reading business books. 
I am reading Janine Allis's book at the moment.  She is the lady who developed Boost Juices.
She had such undivided commitment to making her business a success working up to 17 hours a day. She makes it clear that success just didn't fall into her lap. She describes how she had no friends and no hobbies and was very single minded and totally focussed on her big goals involving Boost being the best Juicing store in the world.
It is interesting reading how she began Boost with no formal business knowledge, she really learnt as she went.

When I am sewing I listen to podcasts.  My favourites are The Suitcase Entrepreneur, Natalie Sisson, Etsy Conversations Podcast (podcasts featuring Etsy shop owners), The Wellness Couch Up For a Chat.

Set Monthly Goals:
At the beginning of the year I became a member of Leonie Dawsons Amazine Biz, Amazing Life Academy and it has been the single best investment I have made for Creative Wishes. It has given me clarity and knowledge and best of all loads of support and contacts from members all over the world.

I use Leonies Create Your Incredible Year Worksheets and Calendar and each month I review goals form the month just gone, make goals for the next month and schedule them into the calendar.


At the beginning of September one of my goals was to have 100 items listed in both my Made It and Etsy stores. I got there with my shop at MadeIt and very close at Etsy too. I even made a brand new product and you can read about my process here

I have written a guest post over at Etsy Kids Blog. And of course writing here on my own blog. One of the things I like to feature here are other small creative business peoples items and shops.  Currently I am featuring others in my Where You Create posts and Thrifty Crafter posts.  But I am also open to guest bloggers sharing their business knowledge too.

How do you grow your business? Do you have an awesome podcast you listen to?

Remember to keep up to date with what is happening sign up to my
And you will get a free copy of my ebook full of super cool tips on Selling your handmade items online.

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