Wednesday, October 2, 2013

6 Quick Tips For Building Your Brand Online - Guest Post

Guest Post by Tariq. While Tariq is referring to jewellery in particular her advice certainly works for any handmade seller.
So you’ve made a brilliant product that you really believe in and it’s better than all of your competitors. The next natural step to beat your competitors online is to build a brand with a good reputation. In this blog post, I’m going to share a few tips I use in my own brand building campaigns for clients with great success.

Use the Google Keyword Planner
The keyword planner is a relatively new tool, with it you can find out how many searches per month there are on Google for a particular word. Enabling you to monitor the popularity of a specific type of jewellery, if you find there is enough searches for a word, you could include a category of this type of jewellery on your site.

Use Google Adwords
If you’re looking to attract new customers, using Google Adwords is a great way to do this.  Many people use Google search when they’re looking to buy. Using Google Adwords features such as Remarketing, you can retarget visitors of your website after they leave on other websites. Yes you are paying for people to visit your website, but as long as you’re making a return that’s OK right?

Build relationships
This is one of the biggest tips, building relationships online is one way to fast tracking your success. I’ve found it beneficial to build relationships with bloggers, sometimes, I would send out products to fashion bloggers to showcase on their website or write guest posts for them. Guest blogging will also improve your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Have a great website
They say the first impression is the last impression, when people look for your brand online, the first obvious destination is your website. Make sure it’s presentable, take extra care with your 'about us' and 'returns policy pages' More people read these pages than you think.  Also make sure your photos are sized correctly as stretched photos will leave an impression that screams amateurish. 

Set up Google Alerts on your brand name
When you’re building a brand, it’s really important to monitor what’s being said about it. One easy way of doing that is using Google Alerts, you’ll get notified by email on new content on your brand name. If for any reason you get a bad review or comments, then you’ll know very quickly and can respond to them before other potential customers see them.

Use social media
You should already be using social media to build your brand , if you’re not you’re missing out. Social media is a good way of engaging with your customers.  Put it this way, your customers are already on these sites and having social media pages is a good way to promote your products, gather intelligence on your customers and provide good customer service.

This article was written by Tariq, a marketer for, a silver jewellery brand based in the UK. If you’ve got further questions about marketing your jewellery business online, you can find here on Twitter.

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