Monday, June 10, 2013

Making Toy Kitchens and Sponge Food

Children love copying adults and pretend playing.  One of the cutest things is the huge array of pretend mini kitchens around. 

The great thing is they can be made from recycling a small tv cabinet or chest of drawers. In our area the council has a bulk clean up day one every 6 months and driving around you can often spot no longer wanted pine furniture out the front of houses.
Add some paint, open drawers, cut a hole for a sink and for the stove and a few knobs and voila!

Now for the fun part!

Some food to cook.
Pop into your local $2.00 shop and grab yourself some kitchen sponges.  They come in some cool colours but the standard yellow colour is probably the most versatile.

Now grab some scissors and get cutting.


A sponge cake maybe?

 Or an ice cream perhaps.

 What about a vanilla slice, toast or marshmallows?  The sponges can be painted like the crumpets,  to give them a just toasted look.
Let me know what you come up with...maybe some orange carrots or some biscuits?

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