Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Leonie Dawson Amazing Life &Biz Academy Review

Since mentioning Leonie Dawson last week on my post about my Top 10 Time Management Tips I have had people asking me about her academy, her business e-books and e-courses. So to make it easier I will answer the questions here and for all to read. Please note that I am an affiliate.

In March this year I brought Create Your Incredible Year, workbook, planner and Business Year Calendar. I wanted somewhere I could plan, set goals, schedule them in and see progress throughout the year.  I printed them out and have popped them in a folder which sits next to my computer. 
It has been fantastic and kept me focused.  In the past I have fleeted from one thing to another and had trouble being focused and therefore working constructively.  The key for me has been scheduling in the big things, the small things and everything in between. I am making far better use of my time and creating more efficiently than ever before.
I will definitely be getting and using Leonie's planner and calendar next year.

After having so much success with the Year Planner and reading all about her other e-books and e-courses I decided to go ahead and join her Amazing Biz and Life Academy. That was two weeks ago and I am very glad I did.

The thing about Leonie Dawson is that she comes across as a very new agey, hippy, spiritual goddess. She swears like a trooper, calls herself a Goddess and she calls the members of her Academy her tribe. It doesn't bother me one bit after all she is one clever cookie who is making a very successful career as a professional Goddess! Plus she is Australian and that is very cool althought from what I can gather her business is American. I am disapointed that she isn't really present in the forums or facebook to answer questions and connect personally with her tribe.

In the two short weeks I have been a member of her academy these are the main things I have gotten from it.

1. Access to ALL  Leonie's great courses, business advice, workbooks, e-courses, e-books, meditations etc.
2. Able to connect with a wide range of women from all around the world and from many walks of life, all following their dreams and passions.

3. Forums for mums, business, writing, bloggers and loads of others.

4. A sense of belonging, positivity and support within the forums and whole academy.

5. Ability to connect with smaller groups as I work through the e-courses. I am two weeks into one of her E-courses called Business Goddess E-course
Being able to work through the course with a group together has been fantastic.  I have got such a lot from reading others questions, interpretation and answers of the course.  Plus it is great to have a sounding board to express my ideas and get feedback. I am taking away far more from doing this course as a group than I would get from doing it by myself. 
(I may have to do a review of this e-course once I have finished it completely in a few weeks).

So there you have it.  I am happy I made the decision and joined up.  Definitely money well spent and absolutely no regrets from me.

Are any of my readers members of the academy?

I would like to invite you to come and join my Creativity List. 
It is chocca block full of fantastic content from freebies and special offers to kids craft ideas and small handmade business articles.

As a thank you, you get not one but two free Ebooks.


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