Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Japan Part 2

Oh, boy, I have been so busy since being back from holidays!  While away I had both my Etsy and Made It shop on holiday mode.  So for two weeks mid November the shops were closed and here I was thinking that I would miss out on heaps of Christmas sales.
But since reopening both shops I have had order after order and couldn't be happier!
It still gives me a thrill when people love my items enough to buy them.  And I love being busy sewing and creating gorgeous things.

So back to Japan and the gorgeous crafts there.

Japanese Craft Books
How could I resist!

Yes, I came home with a few.  I really couldn't resist.  The pictures are adorable and even though the instructions are all in Japanese I do have a son who can read Japanese and they are all so well illustrated I think I will be able to nut them out.

Since being home I have come across a wonderful Japanese craft book by Kumiko Sudo, Omiyage Handmade Gifts from fabric in the Japanese Tradition.  It has me biting at the bit to sew something from it and it is in English.  I have promised myself that after Christmas and when things have slowed down I will make something from here.  I will do some sewing just for me!

The other thing I came home with was some gorgeous origami papers and books. Another thing I will play with once Christmas is over.

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