Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Japan Trip Part 1

What, can I say... I loved it!
Beautiful people, delicious food and action packed country.

A lovely story about our first impression of Japanese people.
When we first arrived in Tokyo, having made our way from the airport to Shibuya station by train, we were attempting to find our way to our first accomodation.  We had written instructions and knew it was at least a 10 min. walk.  The instructions said to exit the train station through the south exit.  We found a sign saying New South Exit and went out that one (wrong one).  As soon as we were out on the street we realised our written instructions were not making any sense.  A very friendly Japanese man stopped after seeing that we were clearly confused and offered to help.  He said he would walk with us to the Ryokan (traditional inn we were staying in that night). We started walking for a block or so but then realized itt would be too far as it was up hill and we had our 3 tired kids and all our luggage with us.  So he then got us a taxi and wanted to pay our fare!  He was so friendly and happy and smiling and obviously went out of his way for us.  It gave us a great first impression.  We encounted many more wonderful Japanese locals, all willing to offer assistance or just stopping to ask us about where we were from.

Now to share some of the wonderful arts and crafts I came across.

Wood Blocking Prints


 We spent a couple of days out of Tokyo at Takayama
We spent hours wandering the old streets and looking in all the craft shops, breweries and wonderful eateries.
There were lots of wood blocking prints about.
You can see more on wood blocking here.
 I came home with this lovely paper plate wood block print and one of the spinning drums with a gorgeous print on it.

I also brought a lovely handbag for myself here too.
Sarubobo Dolls
Came home with a few of these faceless Sarubobo dolls too. They are in loads of shops around Takayama.  I plan on making some too as one of the craft books I brought home has a pattern for them in it.
If you are interested in making your own Sarubobo doll here is a pattern and tutorial.
And another one here for where you can get a cute crocheted pattern.

Best end this post now as it is getting a bit long.
I will post Part 2 soon.

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