Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thermomix vegetable Stock

Giveaway Winner is ....Pauline who likes to create because she finds it satisfying and calming.  Well done Pauline, the Pink nursery organiser will be coming to you very soon.

This weekends cooking from the garden is vegetable stock made in the thermomix.

 This is a thermomix and it has changed the way my family eat for the better.  We eat more food made from scratch (no cans, no preservatives or package mixes). I love my thermomix and use it daily.  It is the best kitchen appliance by a mile!

The ingredients for the vegetable stock or concentrate are:

200g celery, roughly cut
2 carrots, roughly cut
1 onion, peeled and halved
1 tomato, halved
1 zucchini, roughly cut
1 clove garlic
1 bay leaf
few leaves basil, sage and rosemary
1 bunch parsley
150g rock salt
1 tbsp oil

Most of the vegetables and all of the herbs came from the garden.  The concentrate is cooked up and then bottled and keeps in the fridge.  I use it as you could stock cubes in soups, casseroles, rissotos etc.  It is a concentrate so I only use 1 tbs.
In the garden this week I have planted  pak choi seeds, turnip seeds and peas.  I have also planted lettuce seedlings and harvested yellow cherry guavas from the tree.  The boys hadn't tasted them before but all declared them to be delicious!
My yellow cherry guava tree is less than a year old and is growing in a large pot and it has already produced 20 or more fruti. Unfortunately the possums found the tree and ate half of the fruit.  I ended up protecting the remainder of the fruit with fruit fly protection bags and the possums left them alone. Since I have had such a success with this guava tree and we all love the taste of kthe fruit I will be buying a strawberry guava soon.


  1. Thank you thank you! I am so excited! And I really enjoy your blog! Looking forward to popping by again soon and thanks so much for the opportunity to win this!!!

  2. Received your parcel in the mail today! Thank you sooooo much! My sister in law is due to have a baby ANY day now and this will make a perfect gift! Thanks so much for saving me the hassle of finding something!
