Thursday, August 18, 2011

Felt Food High Tea Sets

This week I have been sewing the most adorable High Tea felt play food sets.  There are dainty sandwiches with the crust cut off, sushi rolls, delicious chocolate slices and lovely  little cupcakes with gorgeous icing.  And of course a couple of teabags to make your own cup of tea.

I have images in my mind of when my munchkins were much younger and had pretend picnics and morning teas with their toys.  They would take all their teddies and soft toys outside and arrange them around the picnic table. 
They would serve up sandwiches and snacks of dandelions and grass, daisy fowers and leaves.
They would offer their guests fresh drinks from the tap with a sprig of lavender or rosemary picked from the herb garden.

They had such fun playing pretend games with their toys. 


  1. These are so gorgeous! I love that there are sushi rolls on there. Not something I ate until I was an older teen, but my kids love it and it's one of their favourite foods to pretend play with :)

  2. I really love felt play food, I wish it had been around when my biggies were littlies!

  3. OH! Am I too late to enter???????? I like to create because it is satisfying and I also find it calming "O) And I love pink if I am not too late!! Your blog is sweet and I look forward to coming back soon!
