Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hello 2015

I have just returned from a brilliant holiday at a small Island in the South Pacific Ocean called Norfolk Island. As you can see from the photo collage I spent a wonderful few weeks with my family. We swam and snorkeled daily. The fish around the reef were colourful and plentiful. We bush walked and enjoyed the natural surroundings. We enjoyed viewing the prolific varieties of birds including the Red tailed South Pacific bird and my personal favourite, the white terns.

Now that holidays are over I am back ready to sew and create. i am overflowing with ideas for new products for Creative Wishes and will be sharing them here as I make them.
I hope everyone else had a brilliant end to 2014 and are refreshed and ready for a wonderful 2015.


  1. I'm jealous, what a beautiful holiday. Hoping you are all relaxed :-)

  2. Thanks Kate, it was a very special holiday and we all came home totally relaxed.
