Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top 6 Tips For Preparing My Shop For Christmas Sales

Christmas is only 10 weeks away and I am very busy preparing my online shops for the Christmas shopping season.

List More Products
Now is the time to stock your handmade online shop full of items.  The more items in store the easier it will be for shoppers to find you in searches. Having a full shop with many different items, colour variations, options for custom orders and different prices will all encourage shoppers to purchase more than one item from your shop. 
Think of seasonal items you can make and add to your shop. Can you make your items in Christmas colours or do you make Christmas decorations? Make multiple items the same so you have items ready made in stock and items that can be quickly relisted once something sells. Have items ready to list and renew or add items frequently.

Work out what you are willing to spend on your Christmas advertising budget and the best place to advertise your shop. Utilise your social media by sending out more frequent newsletters and blog posts. Connect with potential customers on facebook, twitter, instagram. Ensure your online shops are connected with your facebook and twitter accounts. Connect with others online and be nice and share their great items too. 

Update Photos
A great photo can sell an item. Your main photo should be awesome! Rephotograph those photos that are not sharp, too dark or just not up to scratch. Ask someone else for their honest opinion about your photos and their suggestions. Ulitise free editing software such as picmonkey. Ensure your have photos of your items from different angles, if it wearable on a model, or in use eg. handbag.  Show packaging if that is a feature of your items.

Adjust Descriptions
Understanding how search engines work is complicated. The best you can do is have excellent descriptions and titles.  Use keywords in your titles and descriptions. Find out what items, colours and words are tending and use these where applicable in your descriptions. Also use seasonal words like stocking fillers, Christmas decoration, santa, gifts etc. Ensure measurements and colours are included and how or by whom the item will be used or suited to.  If you are listing more than one of the same item use different titles and descriptive word and list in different categories. You will be giving your items more chance of being found this way.

Review your pricing and adjust accordingly. Remember to take into account all materials, time and profit you would like. Have a read of How to Price Your Handmade Items.  Remember you are a handmade business and to take into account the amount of time required to make items. Time is precious so ensure you are not selling your self short. Getting the balance right between fairly paid for time and materials and remaining competitive and in the right price range for your items is often trickly and may need some tweaking.

Shipping and Packaging
Update policies and and review your returns policies if needed. Stock up on envelopes, tape and stamps. Ensure you have plenty of your packaging material in stock. Work out when your last day of shipping will be for items to arrive by Christmas and let your customers know this date. Remember that people who buy handmade love the personal touches.  Consider offering free gift wrapping on request. Keep it personal by writing a handwritten thank you to buyers and sending a quick email saying thanks for the order and when it will be posted.

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