Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Making Our Own Moon Sand Recipe

There is a shop close by us that has some Moon Sand on display. I can't walk past it without having a little play and neither can my son.  It has such a cool texture with out the mess of all the fine grains of normal sand. It is school holidays so we decided to make our own version of moon sand.

First off was a visit to the beach to collect a bucket of beach sand.  This ended up being a whole morning activity and the very best part was seeing some humpback whales very close to shore.  They put on a wonderful display for us.

We found some recipes for Moon Sand online and ended up adapting ours a little to get the consistency we wanted (ours was a little wetter than traditional shop brought Moon Sand).

4 cups beach sand
2 cups corn flour
1 cup of water
Food colouring

Combine sand and corn flour in a container.

Add food colouring to the cup of water and then mix the water in to the sand and corn flour mix.

This resulted in a mix more like the traditional moon sand and the first photo above. But we decided to add a little more water to our so our consistency was slightly wetter but still an awesome texture.

The end result looked wet but wasn't. It was easy to sculpt with and form into castles, balls and volcanoes. We have ours stored in a plastic container with the lid so it doesn't dry out. 

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