Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bamboo TeePee Building in the Front Yard

Here at Creative Wishes headquarters we have just come to the end of two weeks of glorious school holidays. At the beginning of the holidays on a walk in our local area I noticed a clump of bamboo that had escaped its confines of a nearby property and was now growing out of control in a public area.

I am always on the look out for fun free activities for the kids and here was one right in front of me.

The bamboo was a good four metres high. It would make a great tee pee thought I. So back I came with saws and secateurs and youngest son (my willing helper).  We cut down some long bamboo stems, stripped off the side leaves and bundled the poles into the back of the car.  We had to put the seats down and trim some off the ends so the poles would actually fit.

The bamboo poles have kept my son entertained all 2 weeks of the school holidays (he even had his teen elder brothers out helping as well as his dad and I). 

He has built forts, tee pees and cubby houses.  He has covered some of the tee pee with banana leaves and palm leaves. His friends have been over and had nurf gun wars and are now planning on building their own bamboo tee pees in their yards.

Perfect activity at zero cost! Take a look around your local area.  What can you source for free?  Since coming across the patch of bamboo I have noticed bamboo growing wild in so many places. 

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