Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Traveling With Kids

When my children were younger they each had a bag we called their travel bag.  It was nothing flash or expensive, just a simple draw string bag.  It truly was a life saver and kept the kids amused and occupied countless times. They used their travel bags for car trips, airplane flights, when waiting at appointments, on the bus and other places where quiet play was necessary.

To put together your own Kids Travel Bag start off with a simple bag. Make sure the bag is child sized, and easy for your child to carry themselves, undo and do up independently.

Stocking the bag:
Think of items that you know will keep your child amused.  Matchbox cars for a car loving child, a couple of small books, finger puppets or a set of small dolls for imaginative play.

Add a few extras to the bag including items such as pipe cleaners,  pad of paper and pens, felt shapes, sticker sheets, small soft toys.

Before leaving home add a snack, drink and a travel size pack of hand wipes.  Keep the travel bag interesting and exciting by swapping around the items in the bag occasionally or adding an extra toy or game.
To ensure the travel bag serves its purpose of keeping your child entertained and quiet only use the bag when away from home so your kids don't get bored with the contents.

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