Friday, July 12, 2013

Where You Create - My Space

On Fridays I normally feature a crafters creative space.
Today I thought I would do something a little different and post my space.  No tidying up and pretending to be perfect, just how it is right now at this moment. Sometimes it is easy to hide behind our computers here in blogger land and pretend to have it all together, the perfect house with the perfect children and the perfect business.  We talk about our studios and shops and it all comes across as being so beautiful.

Well let me tell you... at this very moment in time my studio  (which isn't really a studio but a set of creating areas) is messy and chaotic and full of unfinished items.  My house is in need of a good clean, the fridge and pantry are empty and even though it is almost midday one child is still in bed (teenager, school holidays)!

Recently I was the Designer in the spotlight at Made It and I took some photos of my space all tidied up and looking neat. 
But when I am busy sewing and have orders on the go and multiple items in a half finished state it looks vastly different.
So that is the state of my creative space, imperfect, chaotic and messy!

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