Monday, July 22, 2013

Activities From Your Childs Favourite Books

My youngest child loves Dr. Seuss books and is happy to have them read to him over and over again.  Like most kids, he never tires of hearing the story even though he can recite a lot of the stories because he has heard them so many times.

If your child has a favourite book, see if you can come up with some fun activities based on the book.  It will help them understand the story line of the book more and be lots of fun.

Maybe their favourite is the Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle.
Some great activities based on the book could be making an egg carton green caterpillar with red pipe cleaner antennas. Talk about and draw the life cycle of the caterpillar and get the kids to draw the pictures.  Or go on a nature walk and see if you can spot some butterflies, moths, caterpillars or cocoons.  Take the camera along and let your child take some photos.

If one of their favourite books is Dr Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham then get busy in the kitchen cooking your very own green eggs by scrambling the eggs and adding a few drops of green food colouring.   Or get the play dough out and make some pretend green eggs and ham.
What is your child's current favourite story book? What activities can you come up with based on that book?

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