Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MadeIt Designer In The Spotlight

I am very excited to be the Designer in The Spotlight for this month over at Made It.

Be sure to pop on over and read all about my love of handmade, Creative Wishes and me.

Here are a few other things about me you may or most likely don't know.
I am left handed   I have four sisters   I have three sons   This year I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary I have had melanoma  Green is my favourite colour   I was born in Tasmania  I am a midwife and nurse  Introverted   Green eyes   short   Fifth generation Australian  My kids are half Greek   My youngest child is named after a convict relative  I would like to live in Italy for a year  I don't exercise enough  I like good food   I strive for a simpler life  Gardening is fun   House cleaning isn't fun   I have lymphoedema in my leg  I am creative  I'm a home body  I grow herbs   I'm not a girly girl  I love reading lots  My first job was working in a department store in the haberdashery section  We own a white dog called Casper  I find it hard to walk by a book shop without going in   I have a collection of vintage cameras  I used to scrapbook  I can knit  I can't sing  I like live shows and the theatre   


  1. Congrats!!! How exciting! :) And I love the trivia :)

    1. thanks Missy Messy, just a few random facts really.

  2. Congratulations !! How exciting. Interesting to know things about you I didn't know :)
