Monday, March 4, 2013

15 Fantastic Felt Facts

I create a lot with felt and I love it.  I love the bright vibrant colours and the fact it doesn't fray.  It is so fun to work with.
So to enlighten and brighten your day here are 15 Fun Felt Facts.
1. Felt making preceded spinning.
2. Felt is not woven.
3. Felt is made from matted and compressed fibres that are pressed together using moisture and heat.
4. There are a few stories about the discovery of felt.  This is my favourite: The story of Saint Clement and Saint Christopher relates that while fleeing from persecution, the men packed their sandals with wool to prevent blisters. At the end of their journey, the movement and sweat had turned the wool into felt socks. (gross huh!, but thank goodness for sweaty feet!)
5. Oldest acknowledged textile
6.Felt was produced as far back as 6300 BC
7. Earliest felt remains date back to 700 BC.  They were found in frozen tombs in siberian Mountains.
8. Frey resistant.
9. Felt was once ground up and used as an aerosol spray to conceal bald spots.
10. Comes in a gorgeous amount of bright colours.
11. Roman Empire soldiers used felt pads as armour, felt tunics, boots and socks.
12. By first century AD felt making was wildly practiced.
13. A machine was invented to make felt in 1846.
14. Felt is widely used in many industries including the automive and home construcion industries.
15. Many musical instruments use felt, including pianos, The density and springiness of the felt is a major part of what creates a piano's tone.

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  1. How interesting! The items you create are absolutely amazing!

  2. great post! I love felting also and your creations are just adorable!

  3. Where did you find this information? What sources? I am trying to find more details about the earliest known felt remains as well as the earliest known dates of felting.

  4. hjgruejkjkgtuiioqiorjiwd
