Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reindeer Cupcakes

I came across the cutest photo of reindeer cupcakes yesterday at Hoosier Handmade.
Since we had a Christmas party to go to last night I decided to make a batch.
I used my favourite chocolate cake recipe for the chocolate muffins. It is a Nigella Lawson recipe called Old fashioned Chocolate Cake.  The beauty of this recipe is that it is so simple and never fails.  I simply bung all the ingredients into the thermomix and a less than a minute later it is mixed and ready to spoon into the cupcake holders.
I used pretzels for the antennas,Chicko lollies for the ears, milk chocolate buds for the eyes, a vegetable chip for the snout (yes weird but the only thing I could find the right size), red, brown and one blue M&M for the noses and black icing in a tube for the mouth and eye balls.
We ended up with a lot of brown nosed reindeers and rudolph red nosed reindeers and one lonely and sad blue nosed one.
I never got to taste one but the kids all loved them  and all that was left was a few crumbs.


  1. I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog award because I love your blog! :)

    Find out more about it here:


  2. That is SUCH a cute idea! Thanks for sharing. I wish I had seen these before my daughter's birthday party last weekend.

    Stopping by from The Etsy Blog Team,

