Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Marjorie Bligh

I may not have mentioned this before but I am a bit of a dag!  I am not a girly girl into makeup or the current fashions and I don't hyperventilate at the latest sales catalogues.
I get great pleasure out of finding wonderful bargains and treasures at op shops, growing my own vegetables from seeds, eating food from the garden, saving money on the electricity bills and buying my food in bulk.
I was brought up in a frugal way by a frugal father and mother and an extremely thrifty nan.  My nan was into recycling way before it was a trendy thing to do!  Because of my nan I save and reuse wrapping paper.  At Christmas and birthdays you will see me crawling around on all fours finding the discarded wrapping papers that aren't ripped and neatly folding them away and salvaging the ribbons and bows.  Of course as children we were well versed in opening our presents with out the wrapping paper tearing.  My nan would gently remove the sticky tape and iron the wrappings and reuse them. 
So taking all the above into account, just imagine my excitement at discovering whilst reading the latest copy of Frankie magazine that....

Marjorie Bligh has a new book out!

Being an ex Tasmanian she is a household name to me.  She is a rather quirky, eccentric lady who as a teenager my sister and I loved to poke fun at and laugh at her bizzarre crafts .  But saying that both my sister and I have Marjories books and I will definately be getting this one too.

She is a pioneer of organic gardening and recycling.  She finds a way to upcycle (or down cycle) most things) like knitting rugs and mats from old plastic shopping bags and used panty hose and using her old bras in her garden to tie plants and to protect her seedlings.

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