Here's to an amazing 2016

I use Leonie Dawson's Create Your shining Life in

2016 Biz and Life Workbooks

Do your self a favour and treat yourself. They are awesome for goal setting and following through on your goals throughout the year!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spring in the Garden

The weekend was hot (Sunday was 33 degrees) and for a moment there I thought we had skipped spring and gone straight to summer!  Whilst I am in no hurry for summer to get here my garden seems to be in a rush!

 The fruit trees are blooming.  This one above is a peachcot tree.
 I believe I might get some olives this year!
 I have little zucchinis growing already.
 And have already picked two tomatoes with plenty more on the vine.
I have been spending far ore time in the garden lately than sewing and now I have a backlog of orders to get through.  So the next few days will see me sewing away.

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