Sunday, September 11, 2011


This week I have been enjoying the beginning of spring.  I have a mountain of orders to sew and send off  but, boy, am I finding it hard to stay inside and sew when the sun is shining and I just want to be out in my garden.

The garden has definately won out!  I have been in a frenzy getting the vegetable patches ready. I have dug them over, added blood and bone, mushroom and cow manure and covered them with pea straw. This year I have increased my vegetable plot by double and I am hoping for good things! 

I have loads of seeds growing and some just about ready to plant out.  Seeds I am growing this year include tomatoe (tiny tim and roma), zucchini, legbanese cucumber, basil (from last years saved seeds), snow peas, spaghetti squash, eggplants, chillies, beetroot,  pak choi, capsicum and coriander.

The fruit tree have all had a feed and I have blossoms on the peach, mandarin, lemons and peachcot trees.  The three olive trees look like they have very tiny olives too!

This week coming will have to see me doing more sewing though.  I have a lot of felt foods to finish off, some half assembled cloth books that need finishing off and a few ideas rolling about in my head for new felt play foods perfect for Christmas.

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