Monday, August 8, 2011

Giveaway! Why we make things?

Why do you create and a giveaway!
Yesterday I was reading an article in Sunday Telegraph Life magazine by Sarah Wilson.  Sarah writes a column in the Sunday Life each week titled A Better Life. Each week she tries out ways to make life more meaningful, happier, sweeter.
Yesterdays article was titled 'use my hands'. For the whole article click on the link and read but the gist of it was that she gets a kick out of doing something from beginning to end by herself ( she gives an example of growing her own mung bean sprouts).  Being a gardener I can relate to the thrill of digging the earth, planting a seed, watering, weeding,  feeding and finally picking, cooking and eating my very own produce fresh from my little garden patch.
I get the same thrill when I sew or cook something from scratch.  I feel happy and I feel satisfied and I feel a sense of achievement.
I don't create because it is cheaper.  Most of the time it is cheaper to buy ready made.  Whether it is food or vegetables from the shop, toys or furnishing there is usually a shop close by that sells it much cheaper than I can make it.
I certainly don't create from hand to save time either!
I create things from scratch because it makes me happy and satisfied.  That is one of the reasons I opened my Creative Wishes store and started selling my craft.  Each time I make a sale or get an email saying  we love your products I feel immense satisfaction and a lovely feeling of my time and effort being appreciated.

I would love to know why you create things.  Please let me know.  There is a little giveaway to be had too.  Your choice of one of the nursery organises above.
All you need to do to enter is:
1. Leave a comment on my blog telling me why you create and which of the nursery organisers you like (the country green, pink or blue one).
2. Like my facebook page or follow my blog or both.  For those that are already following are more than welcome to enter too. 
I will keep the giveaway going for a week and draw it next Wednesday. 


  1. Why do I create? Cause I have always done something, knitted on the train when I was younger (mainly Baby Layettes). Sewn clothing for the boys and myself and now my grand-daughter. And now instead of giving my handicrafts away to friends and family I sell it in my store. I have liked you FB page.

  2. New blog follower :)
    I create partially because I have the creative urge in my blood. My mum sold her crafts successfully and I always had great respect for her in doing so, so I hope to follow in her footsteps if only a little.
    I bake as well and there is always a thrill in giving something I've baked myself to someone and seeing them enjoy it! x

  3. I create because of the satisfaction of accomplishment that it brings to me. I love the green organizer.

  4. I am a follower and love your blog - so glad I found your blog!
