Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seafood week

Or the bet I lost....
Hubby and I had to go to the dentist for check ups (or so I thought).  So sure was I that I was just having a clean and didn't need any work that I made a bet with him. The one who needed the most dental work lost.  If he lost he was cleaning toilets and bathrooms for the week.  If I lost I would cook seafood for a week.  Guess what?  I needed a filling and I lost!

So this week has been seafood week.  It isn't that I don't like seafood, it is the smell that I don't like and preparing shellfish, shelling prawns etc.
Monday night we had garlic prawns (thanks middle munchkin for peeling them for me!).

Tuesday and Wednesday nights we had seafood chowder.  I made so much it lasted for two nights (is that cheating?)
I got the recipe from here except used leeks, bacon, coconut milk instead of cream and fresh marinara mix.  It was delicious!
Tonight I am cooking Thai Fish Cakes.
Oh, yum, they look delicious!
I am enjoying the cooking and we are all enjoying the eating.  Damn shame though that I still have those bathrooms to clean!

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