Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Creative Space

This week (and last one too) I have been busy sewing away.  The sewing table is covered with little cupcakes, chocolate slices and the cutest felt flowers for decorations. Once sewn they look good enough to eat.  The one above has already been added to my Made It shop.  The rest need a few finishing touches and then they will be up in the store too.
The felt flowers were a find at the Craft and Quilt Show at Sydney last week.  They are actually made for scrapbooking but I thought they would make perfect sugar flowers for my cupcakes.  I had a great time at the craft fair and was surprising restrained with what I brought.  There was so much to look at and the quilts on display were amazing! 
In My Creative Space I have also been busy sewing away and packaging a lot of felt play food for I Heart Gallery.
 And finally this week I have been working on another tutorial to share.  This one is a tutorial on making sushi and needs a few more pictures.  It has been overcast here and the pictures I took for the tutorial weren't clear so I am waiting for the sun to shine so I can take some more.
What has been happening in your Creative Space this week?  I would love to know.  If you feel like sharing pop on over to here and share.