Thursday, November 11, 2010

Building of the fire pit

I am working on a fun and rather large project at the moment. It is a huge mosaic to go on the back of our newly built fire pit/bbq/pizza oven.

At the moment the mosaic is being done on a large cement board which is sitting on the outdoor table. There are lots of broken tiles. I have discovered it is rather therapeutic to smash tiles, to give them a good thump with the hammer. It is going to look wonderful if i do say so myself. But I have no idea how we are going to attach the huge and heavy cement board with tiles stuck on it to the fence???? I am hoping hubby has a plan for that - he assures me it will work without all the tiles popping off or the fence buckling and toppling over.
Anyway, I thought I would share the building of the fire pit. We are the sort of family who enjoys camping on uneven ground in our tents in the bush with no running water or flushing toilets and cooking over an open fire - yes, call us crazy, and even though I winge about the bugs and the heat and the flys and the uncomfy sleeping aranagements I really do enjoy it! The munchkins of course are in their element - they are regular Bear Gryles (you know that dude from the show Man versus Wild).

So when we are at home with all the creature comforts the munchkins and hubby still like to go outside to our little suburbian garden and light a fire, cook a bit of charcoal (I mean meat), roast marshmallows and act like they are living off the land.

We used to have a makeshift pit but when we landscaped the yard recently we built a fire pit. It is basically a brick rectangle, deep enough to get a good fire blazing, big enough to fit a grill and have a fry up and great for the marshmallows.

There are future plans of building a pizza oven on the right side of the pit.

Of course I have been itching to do the mosaic back board and now I have started it (photos to share in another post). Mean hwile the munchkins and us bigger people are enjoying the fires and outdoor cooking. Thats youngest munchkin below with his bow and arrow he made from a green stick. and some string aiming at some imaginary enemy (baddies he would say). I love how my munchkins can amuse themselves with homemade toys.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, your fire pit is perfect! The size is just wide enough to grill multiple meats and veggies at the same time. The distance from the house is safe enough too; you won’t worry about your munchkins playing on it while they are at the backyard. =)

    Nohemi Tutterrow
